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Can you be kind can you forgive petty things and even some bad ones Can you see the wisdom of Horace I Am Human Therefore Nothing Human is Alien to Me Can you pull back the camera and see the seething hive of disaster we are Will you live your whole life like a coiled spring Will you stay in your cave no, not a real cave but the one you carry around Do you blame me for what happened to you in the house of your childhood Can we inhabit the room of thou and be silent together Can you be touched no, not on your body Can my heart’s light light yours even for a moment Do you care that others have suffered have lived longer have more scars and still they love Do you think I’m from another country another planet Do you think I’m a bad man because I want to hold you against my heart brush the hair from your face Are you afraid love will explode and disorder your life Do you fight against it Won’t you take off your mask no, not that mask but the one you’ve made with the muscles of your face a shield of hide can you let it go can you hear me, be present for me can you say with me All Lives Are Hard

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